An Annual Tradition Since 2013

Year 1 - Conrath

What is the Dart Trip?

The dart trip is an annual expedition between friends where we throw a dart at a map of Wisconsin and go to that town for the night to take in the sights and sounds of the local culture.

What are the rules of the Dart Trip?

-We must go to the town that is closest to where the dart lands, regardless of location, as long as it lands within state lines. There are no re-throws for a bad location.

-The thrower must be blindfolded.

Why did this start?

Andrew had a matted map of Wisconsin in his and Eric's apartment, and the idea just came to Jim one day. We finally followed through a year or so later, and made it a tradition ever since.

How do you get there?

While the first trip was in a car, an RV has been rented ever since. It makes travelling and finding a place to sleep easy, and allows more people to join us.

Where have you been so far?

Conrath - 2013

Fairchild - 2014

Range - 2015

Upson - 2016

Breed - 2017

Birchwood - 2018

Jump River - 2019

Boscobel - 2020

???? - 2021